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Dentist appointment

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tinkerbell23 | 12:00 Mon 02nd Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Not been in a while....(tut tut)

Made an appointment at NHS dentist- should i have said on phone i am currently unemployed and on job seekers allowance!?? I obviously cant afford
To pay??? Should i call back mabye and say x


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Ignore me- checked the website and initial checkup is free and will discuss treatment for healthy mouth and cost at appointment xx
do they cater for nhs customers?

if yes then dont worry, you will probably have to provide proof and fill out a form
I registered with a new dentist a couple of weeks ago and they asked me when I was filling in the reg form if I was on any benefits or anyting.
i have an nhs dentist and every time i go i have to sign to say i'm paying
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Yes i asked if they were accepting NHS customers...

So ill say after the "free consoltation" what the reduced price
is or free as per website!! Wish me luck- i know i need a few fillings xx
Good luck tinks, I must do the same.
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Not been in years- ashamed!!!!!!! I have good teeth so i must take care of them xxx
That was my problem Tinks, I hadn't been for about 10 years because my teeth were fine and it ended up costing me £200. :(
That's better than the £1200 I paid for 2 crowns :-(
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I thought i better get my @rse in gear and phone up- appt is tomorrow. And will keep going for checkups- i take good teeth for granted i think but they have to be maintained and i must need at least 3 fillings! Doh!! Hopefully i can get a polish aswell xx
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I thnk craft i needed a crown and i was working at the time and just couldnt afford it and have avoided going back since.....must be easily 4yrs :0/

Couldn't you get the NHS ones? I got the really expensive one that sounds like the one you have but I know a couple of dental technicians so one of them made the the crown for me for free and I just paid the normal NHS price.
I doubt, you'll get a polish free Tinks.
lol Evian I was the company secretary of the dental lab that made mine!!
And they made you pay for them? Tight wads!
Most dentist's chairs go up and down but the one I was in went backwards and forwards.
I thought 'This is unusual' .
The dentist said to me, 'Sir, please get out of the filing cabinet' ! :-)
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Lol redman!!

Prob not evian...mabye reduced- jeez i cant even afford reduced - mabye ill have some birthday money!! I just want them all patched up and sorted- ive had them whitened before so they are not discoloured - never had a scale and polish xx
In my experience at our NHS dentist they always ask when you report at reception whether of not you pay for my treatment; just as the chemist do when you take in a prescription.

You say no and sign the back of the form, that's all there is to it.
I always thought dental treatment was free if you're unemployed. I'd give them a ring and ask.

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