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I need your help I have a serious problem!!!

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jess_119 | 04:41 Thu 19th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
O.k so for the past month I have been working as an escort behind my boyfriends back, I love him but he put me in a bad position as I can't talk to my parents as he had a fight with them and I got kicked out... he still lives at his parents but I am on my own paying rent and I can't rely on anyone or him because he doesn't have a job. So I took this job to help myself and today I was with a client and my vagina really started to hurt, it was like hurting from the friction so I checked and it looks bad like swollen, have looked up google and the symptoms and it looks like Bartholins cyst the only thing is if it is then I need to get surgery down there to remove it and what do I tell my boyfriend?? he will be confused as to why I need to get surgery on my lady parts I'm scared that he will find out and I just really need some help :(


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Your only immediate issue here is to go and see a Dr and get your medical issues sorted out. If you choose to continue to be an escort then treat your body as if it's as important as it is and always practice safe sex, if this is an issues for the agency you work for, get a better agency. While you are at it I would also consider getting a better boyfriend, as he sounds...
08:38 Thu 19th Apr 2012
You don't have to be an Escort Girl or sexually active to have an infected Bartholin's no worries re. an explanation.
First things first....get to the doctors and sort out your medical problem.....

As for your boy friend...well if I were he I'd want to know exactly what kind of girlfriend I had.......not one who is on the game I can assure you. I'd be saying bye bye if it was me..........
If he is as useless as you make him sound you would be doing yourself a favour too if you parted from him.

Sorry to appear so unsympathetic and that you are having all these problems but bestthing IMO would be a fresh start...but please get to see the doc... TODAY...
Your only immediate issue here is to go and see a Dr and get your medical issues sorted out. If you choose to continue to be an escort then treat your body as if it's as important as it is and always practice safe sex, if this is an issues for the agency you work for, get a better agency. While you are at it I would also consider getting a better boyfriend, as he sounds counter productive to a good life, and I would try to rebuild relationships with those who have become estranged or distanced from you. Somone who loves you should never put you in a bad place with your family, so re-examine that. Once you are medically checked out, decide calmly and rationally whether you wish to continue as an escort and if you do make sure you are on with a good agency who places your medically and realtime safety at the forefront of what you do ( youy will also find that they will pay better), if not then try to formulate a manageable plan where you withdraw from what you are doing and replace it with other forms of work, but above all go to a Dr now, that is not your boyfriend's concern.
I don't understand how you can just become an escort. I mean how would you start? Where would you advertise? Is this question a wind up?
SC - just google 'work as an escort' and you are presented with many choices. Then there's the work on phone lines etc.
You can get it but I suspect getting rid of it s the difficult part.
It can start of as 'hostessing' in clubs where you convince yourself you won't take it further...but you need the money perhaps for a bill you say just this once then after the first time it gets a little easier to do it again....
Some ladies actually make an informed choice to escort as the money is very good and if with a reputeable service is actually very safe, not everyone in prostitution is a victim, a good 50% simply treat it as a career.It's the girls who are forced, coerced and otherwise bullied and harassed into it by intoroduced drug addiction that we need to be looking at protecting and the people who first introduce them to the drugs that will keep them prisoner in a lifestyle which will ultimately kill them need dealing with far more stringently than we do at present.However simple prostitution is like any other job, and should not be automatically looked down upon.
Agreed, Nox.
And in addition, what is the difference between consensual sex for cash, and marrying someone for their wealth / position?
Go to the docs at once! Its nothing to do with your sex life, just something that happens.
Marriage is legally binding. Not all married couples have sex...etc etc
i would get it sorted as a 'miscel women's prob', and then sort yourself out!

this should be the wake up call you need, both to your bfs lack of care and aggression, and to your chosen work!

try to make it up with your parents!
..."this should be the wake up call you need, both to your bfs lack of care and aggression, and to your chosen work! "
Perfectly put cath.....
wasn't being nasty and i do sympathise with the economic conditions ... but he has messed up your homelife and then doesn't even take you in himself ...
I cannot believe no-one has welcomed Jess to AB yet (joined 04:34 this morning) so allow me, "Welcome to AB Jess_119"
And Jess... Never be ashamed of the decisions in your life... only learn from the bad ones... You certainly have a big chance to take stock while you are young.. good luck we are here when you need a bit of support.
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to the girl who asked if it was a wind-up it really isn't the reason I joined so late is I had finished work and was in pain and was panicking I do practise safe sex which is why I just couldn;t understand why this would happen but thanks anyway I have literally found a hospital nearby that offers walk ins so I am going to try that as for work wise I have been looking for a proper job I am just doing this in the mean time as I have to pay my own rent etc
But how do you find this kind of work? Glad to hear you found a hospital btw
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smilingcrow I typed in google escort services in "area I lived in" so saying I lived in London I typed that in and agencies and stuff would come up I clicked on the agencies website then clicked on employment/recruitment page registered then they gave me an interview and hired me
JESS once your medical problem is sorted and it could happen to anyone not just someone in your line of work, then you need to dump your bf he sounds like a waste of space I am sure you can do better by yourself, you will end up working just to keep up his lifestyle

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I need your help I have a serious problem!!!

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