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Drowned Rat ...

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joggerjayne | 16:29 Thu 19th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
I feel like a ...

Is it chucking everywhere?


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Dare I mention the hosepipe ban?
what hosepipe ban

i shall be wearing one tonight, draped strategically over my bits
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The Netball's just finished.
it's got so dark i have had to switch lights on, and now it's growling with thunder, just great..
If it carries on like this York will be on flood alert.............
Ironically, this part of Lancashire is dry at this second.
Just outside Dover,
brill sunshine now,
tipped it down a couple of hours ago.
I was in it, baldric, coming back from Ashford :-(
got caught in heavy rain and hail stones on the walk home after picking up the kids from school. the 3 of us arrived home like drowned rats. Sunny at mo, but we off out in half an hour to take his friend home, only a short walk but Im expecting another soaking !!

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Drowned Rat ...

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