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Mic is in bed,

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Jeza | 22:00 Fri 20th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
And on the mend I hope. He saw the Doc today who said he had a virus. He ate a little soup at 2pm but nothing since. The Doc said "Make sure he has plenty of fluids" I gave him lots of tea and pepsi. At about 9 he asked could he have a Baccardi in his coke, so he is definitely on the mend. I said no by the way.


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Lots of nasty viral infections around at the mo Jeza, hope he feels better soon.
Aw! What harm would a little Bacardi do?
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Don't give me a guilt trip mike. No food no alcohol.
feel sure he will be better soon with your nursing. all best wishes to you both.
But a little alcohol gives you an appetite!
LOL - I'll be on your side Jeza!

Soup, tea, hot ribena and when he's ready a slice of toast or a banana. Hope he feels a bit better tomorrow.
Fair do's - tell him if he eats tomorrow he can have a tinny tiny bit of Baccardi.
Please send my best to Mic, you are doing a grand job there.
Oh poor mic. Hope he gets well soon.
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Thanks to you all for your kind wishes.

Who said banana? He would throw up immediately. They don't agree with him.
Oh gawd, a banana - pure puke material and would put me in treliske hospital with its guaranteed shot of Novovirus.

Hope the old boy recovers and keeps ingesting the solids and liquids, some scrambly eggs perhaps, or a little rice with some additions of his persuasion?

hey micmak, we want you back on here, you viral alien.......
I'm on Mic's side, a shot of Bacardi would do him the world of good, how ever having two elder sisters, one of whom was the senior sister on A & E at a local hospital, and Trish who I sometimes think is the original mother hen I realise he's going to have to settle for a glass of water.

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Mic is in bed,

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