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off to bed now

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excelsior-1 | 21:11 Tue 24th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
am up at 4am tomorrow for early shift .... goodnight folks


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Night night excelsior.
Nighty night excel.
night night..sleep
Night night. OH already in bed as he starts at 3am. I have the TV on very quietly. Shhhh
Nite nite......mind the bedbugs don't bite ;o) x
Night night then. What is it you do to warrant being up at such an early hour, might we ask?
Night :)

I was gonna have an early night as well... I've not even been in the shower yet :|
Is this a blatant attempt to get

thread of the week ?
I am off to beddy bobos now too....not with excelsior you understand..just me and the radio....night night all !xx
i've got a job to wake up at 7 AM, so I wish all the early morning people a good nights sleep. my first job is at 10 in the morning, and i just about get ready in time for that. ( customer not in until kids have been delivered to school and she gets some shopping, suits me fine) I was a milkman once, oh, the walking dead. up at four, milk round until two, then playing in band until 11, then home to bed for 4 hours, and next day do it all again. Still catching up on sleep now from 40 years ago!

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off to bed now

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