Jeza, Mrs MM got a letter today to say on May 1st lump sum and arrears will be paid. Bad news it will be taxed. Jeza said in her Yorkshire accent "Owt is better than nowt"
Seriously, she fought for 6 months for this. A matter of principle in her words. We don't need the money. If she donated it to charity, would tax still be charged?
good news about the money :) i work in a charity shop and we do gift aid, whatever money we get from it the government gives the charity 25% or maybe 27% of it, i cant remember sorry ... you could try that .... you just have to be a uk tax payer to do it
glad to hear you have got it all sort mm - even though it has taken such a long time. if jeza gift aids it will she have to repay the tax to the gov. when the charity claims? heard the other day about someone who had a tax bill from hm gov after they had gifted some money to charity. if i remember correctly their tax bill from gove. for this money was about £250.
wasn't really giving the programme full attention but it sounded as though the guy was a wage earner and tax payer and gifted some money inherited and then received the tax bill. only half listening as OH was saying something. (was going to say whittering on but he might see this).