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Anyone Use Quickbooks?

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EvianBaby | 13:11 Tue 13th Mar 2012 | Business & Finance
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Does anyone have any idea how I change the text in the e-mail it creates when you send an invoice? Can't seem to find an option anywhere.


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Change Default Text in QuickBooks E-mail

Changing the text is easy once you know where to find the option to do it. Click Edit > Preferences > Send Forms, and then click the tab that says "Company Preferences". You will see a screen that looks like this:

Send Forms Default Text

Note that in the drop-down box that says "change default for", you can change the default text for invoices, estimates, sales orders, and other documents that are commonly e-mailed from withinQuickBooks. Once you have made your updates, click the OK button to save your changes.

In addition, if you put your e-mail address in the "bcc" box, you will always get a copy of any e-mail that is sent, yet the recipient won't see your e-mail address in their message.

Remember - even if you reset this default text, you can always override it on a case-by-case basis when sending forms from QuickBooks. If you want to return the e-mail text to its' original state, just click the Default button on the screen, then click OK. All of your updates to the text will then be forgotten.

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Anyone Use Quickbooks?

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