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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 04:25 Thu 26th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
Thursday morning and it looks like the sun could put in an appearance this morning! Lots of cloud still lurking about though.
Have a happy day everyone.


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No welshy, thank goodness it is a free one. That would have been the proverbially icing on the cake if I had got a ticket.
Morning all - it's blowing a hoolie here, straight off the Channel - and it's dustbin day....
Morning all. :o)
Dustbin Day, is that similar to St George's Day? I haven't got a flag for that one!
morning naomi.
morning, it's blowing a hoolie again
Nah tenrec, it comes round much more frequently!

Round here, to celebrate it, we sing "deck the streets with plastic binnies" or "s0d off seagull" (more likely the latter....)
LOL Boxy
Well, I ask you. They give us a selection of plastic bins to do all our recycling in, so that the seagulls don't rip the old black plastic bags - then some people don't have room to park said bins and you can't leave them on the street, so what do they do? - take away the bins, and give 'em purple plastic bags. Hey ho seagull, do seagulls care what colour they're ripping? No....

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Good morning early birds!

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