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Ye Gods

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rockyracoon | 18:22 Thu 26th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Is anyone else seeing those rapidly fashing adverts wih fat bellies, boobs and wrinkly faces, they're giving me a headache. I've never moaned about ads as I know they're a necessary evil, but these are awful.

Sorry Ed!


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i have and thought i had an ad blocker on, they were giving me a headache too.
i can't see the adverts - but that doesn't mean that i'm not seeing a belly, boobs and a wrinkly face
They are awful.
Have you seen the horrible one with the tummy going in and out? Yeuch.
most definitely yuukk
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Yep, they're the ones, the only place I can't see them is in motoring, might have to start posting in there. Seriously though, they are making my eyes and head hurt. They look very trashy aswell.
Didn't notice them until now, rocky.... But a bit off...
Yeah I've got those but I also noticed some earlier that had before and after pics with wording like, 'Helen lost 28lbs'. Well, Helen looked bloody miserable in the after picture. Think I'll give that one a miss.
Ed wants to know about any off putting Ads, with as many details as possible, send him a report.
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How do I do that mamy, I've taken a screen shot.

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Ye Gods

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