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How are we all!? Im sleepy!

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tinkerbell23 | 21:18 Thu 26th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Hope i get a good sleep tonight i feel dead sleepy already- had a warm
Bath...may have had too many kalms :0/

Awell! Hope i dont freak later being sleepy though- thats when im worst- hopefully up early enough to see the doc :)

Hows you- any plans for the weekend??



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Shattered. Tried gardening today in what felt like a gale.
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Is something causing it hun? Xx

I LOVE the radox salts in the blue box- 99p in asda- for when you feel like that...x
Work, but unfortunately I can't give that up, so I'll just have to put up and shut up :o(
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Did u get much done daisy!?

Awe hun? Plan a nice weekend mabye total chillout!!!!!! Relax and rest xx

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How are we all!? Im sleepy!

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