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Those bloody adverts

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sherrardk | 23:09 Thu 26th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Just me, or are those moving adverts really irritating (especially the one of the stomach going in and out)? It's really yeuch.


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I can see it too and im on my phone- but im zoomed in so its not bothering me- prob would if i was on my lappy x
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Don't mind the wrinkle one so much, but the stomach one just makes me queasy (I have a very weak stomach anyway (in that it doesn't take much to make me feel ill) and it makes me feel ill).
Its on both sides of my page actually x
Ed has asked if any ads make you uncomfortable to report them to him, giving as many details as possible.
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Thanks Mamy, I will - is there a thread thing or do I need to email him/her/it?
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Hi Tink - I have some woman on both sides of my screen and there is something seriously wrong with her boobs!
Sherrardk. Get add blocker. Flashing lights bring on terrible migraine for me. I
know the site needs adds, but I cannot cope with them.
Email Sherr.
Really irritating, specially for those of us that have problems with ours
No ads on my screen thank goodness, they drive me crazy.
I keep getting a Waitrose ad. popping up on the r/h side of the screen
featuring Heston Bloominghell, looks more like Matt Lucas.

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Those bloody adverts

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