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Why Don't Asians Donate Organs?

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mrs_overall | 09:03 Thu 26th Apr 2012 | Society & Culture
30 Answers
Currently in the UK, 16% of people waiting for a donor organ are Asian. Less than 1% of the Asian population are on the organ donor register. There is nothing in any religion to say they cannot donate, and many often act as live donors to family members.
Why should anyone be willing to take but not to give?


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ignorance? superstition?
Are you taking the Izzz Mrs O? what do you think are in the kebabs, I found a finger nail in mine last week!
Fender, they won't even give to their co-religionists, they would rather someone die than them not go to paradise, as if god would let them in for being so selfish.
It is worth noting that black and asian populations are at a significantly higher risk than their caucasian counterparts of developing kidney disease that warrants a kidney transplant - 5-10 times greater risk in fact, largely because of the higher levels of diabetes and high blood pressure within those ethnic population groups.

This might explain some of the seemingly disproportionate numbers of asian/black ethnic groups on waiting list for a donor organ.

That having been said, it is true that , relative to the general population , organ donors from black and asian populations are under-represented, and this must presumably have something to do with cultural or religious values.

For myself, I believe we ought to move towards and opt-out scheme, whereby everyone is regarded as a potential organ donor unless they specifically opt-out.
^^ I agree. We should have an 'opt out' rather than an 'opt in' scheme in place.
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^^Me too.
I am waiting for keyplus to explain how suicide bombers go to paradise whilst lacking any organs at all.
Well who would look after the shop lol.

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