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boo's thread

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slinky.kate | 17:25 Sun 29th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
just reading her money saving meals,it's great what you can do with a bird,what can 'YOU' buy that is money saving?????
i buy about 2lb,mince,cook it up with carrots,onions,oxo's.then i split it into differant meals;
chilli con carne
spaghetti bols.
mince and tatties with doughballs


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I grate carrots into my mince too.
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boo,what about stew,what would you do with that
not following you kate, sorry. I'd make it and eat it?
Turn left over stew in to a pie.
Homemade burgers.
Also if you got some skewers mould the meat balls on to the skewers for a greek style kebab called koftas.
You can make chili burgers with the mince, minus the carrots.. Just add chili con carne powder... yumm!
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i mean if you had about 2lbs stew,what meals would you cook out of that,
Not to mention a lovely cottage pie.
ermmm...where's B00's thread? ...lead us to it!
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pasta your in it
Well its not my thread, its a thread asking if I was online Pasta, further down the page.

If I had a 2lb pack of mince kate, i'd freeze half of it straightaway. The other half would be halved again. One half would make a shepherds pie and the other half would make spicy mince to put in spuds or peppers, or with sliced potatoes and veg.

What helps me massively with my food budget is the 10% discount I get and also first dibs in anything whoopsied, which is pretty much 99% of my food cupboard!
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well done boo,i take my bunnet(hat) of to you....
Sadly, its through necessity, not because I want to kate!
Thanks B00...I've already seen the other thread ;-)

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