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PPI Claim...

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MustangLady | 18:35 Sun 29th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Just wanted to share my good news for a change... I placed an enquiry on here few weeks back to see if anyone had put in a claim and if anyone had been successful. I decided to give it a go and did it by myself (not go through one of those claim companies) and have been very successful, took 6 wks from when I first wrote to the Bank I was claiming against to the letter arriving on Friday giving me good news that they made me an offer, which I am accepting and payment will be made to me within 28 days. I'm so pleased that I decided to try, really didn't think I would have any luck. So if any of you out there have any doubts, try it... they can only say no. I got a lot more than I expected so I'm very happy with the outcome.


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well done to you...who needs these claim companies who would probably have had a fair cut of your claim...well done once again...
well done. got one going through myself with Santander - awful to deal with!! The firms who offer to do it for you are creaming of 25% of claims. Greedy b*st*rds!!!!!!!!
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thank you mrsmaveric, I've actually quite chuffed that I decided to do it myself and was successful. Yes I've looked into it and the claims companies take approx 10% of the claim-back. Just thought I had nothing to lose, I looked up how to do it and did it :) lol, just wondering who else I can try to claim back from now
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Thank you The Novice, good luck to you too.
Hows the lucky OH Mrs Stoke
That's excellent news!

Personally I am using a claim company, I do give then 20% but it is 20% of money I wouldn't otherwise have, so I don't mind doing that at all. Neither of us have time or inclination in our working days to do all the chasing up (one bank's taken since 2010 to cough up, we've just received our refund).

Don't knock all those of us who don't want to do it ourselves - ours earns their money as far as we're concerned.
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well done boxtops, glad it worked out for you. I'm not knocking anyone who decides to go through a company, not everyone has the time to do it themselves. Luckily I did have the time to do it. Good luck to anyone who just wins against the Banks... makes a change we get something back from them.
can these ppi companies find out who you had loans/credit cards with over the last x amount of years, because i had several in the last 10 years, paid them off, and destroyed the paperwork, so no idea who to claim against.
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I'm sorry Percy, I have no idea. Doesn't cost anything to ask so give them a call. They can only say no.
If its worth their while they will try.
I did and got back 550 quid, so well done

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