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maggiebee | 21:06 Mon 30th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Been watching the news and see there's lots of flooding in England. Does this mean the hosepipe ban has been lifted? Never sure how these things work as I can't remember there ever being a hosepipe ban in Scotland...........but maybe you know better?


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I think the reservoirs need a significant amount of rain, although its been very wet, I dont think its been enough yet.
There was a guy on some program earlier saying that the ground was that hard and dry the majority of the water we've been getting has just being going into the rivers and down to the sea, not into the reservoirs and water tables were we need it, so we'll need a lot more before things get back to anything like normal.
Well round by here the reservoirs are brimming, the ground is squishy and the moles are all drownded.
It isn't all grim up north.
How about some poor souls going around digging holes in the ground so the water can percolate downwards?
daisy - it is would help in parched area , done on a large scale - kind of, freelance running-shoe-clad morris-dancing crowds kind of scale--but it is also to do with the delayed commencement of rootlet uptake, and the similarly delayed reaction of hygroscopic nuclei in the soil.

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