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Jeza | 14:38 Tue 01st May 2012 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
What really pi$$es me off when shopping is when the shelf price is different to what you are charged. I have just checked my receipt and was charged 69p for an item advertised as 49p. I'm not short of 20p before anyone asks. It really does give me the hump though.


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I can hear the exchange in the Co-op now ...

"Okay missus - you have selected the last pot of guacamole in Lancashire ... what's your best offer ?"

"Guacamole be buggered - I thought it were mushy peas ..."
He can't take £2 without asking.

But ...

By handing him the £1.50 item, you are offering to buy it for £1.50

He can ring £2 through the till ... he is making a "counter offer"

If you hand over money which includes payment for that item at £2, you are accepting his counter offer. Deal done.

Well done, Jayne. One house point.

You would have got extra marks if you had mentioned:

(1) the difference between sale of goods law and store customer policy

(2) the possible elements of mistake/misrepresentation.
also the small question of whether the customer can see the price he's been charged. Handing over money might just be "an invitation to give me the correct change".
Shop keeper doesn't even had to sell it to you if they don't want to (invitation to treat).

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