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Removing account on Facebook

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missprim | 11:15 Sun 06th May 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
My friends husband died in March and although they weren't on each others page on facebook because they are divorced, they both have a lot of the same people on their page so when she logs on, his profile is always there saying they have so many mutual friends and would she like to add him as her friend.
Is there something she can do to get his account removed?


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No i dont think so :0( but she could block him so he dosent show in her suggestions xxx
I wouldn't have thought there's much she can do, perhaps let FB know they've died but no idea if they'd do that without some sort of verification. Could she not just block him? Then I think his profile wouldn't show.
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Can you block someone who isn't listed as your friend?
They can't get it removed, but they should be able to get it memorialised so it no longer appears in any suggestions. although they will need to provide some details of the account and proof.

Quickest and best way would be to deactivate his account, she would need his password though, if thats unlikely, maybe she could get in touch with a family member who may know what his password is and try to convince them to deactivate his account? Or as tinkerbell said, block via privacy settings....
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Thanks chuck. Have just looked at the link and I don't think she could do it that way as she didn't have an email address for him, and don't know how she could prove his death.
Is there not a way of contacting the people who run facebook?
I can't find anywhere that says 'Contact us.'
If she can't prove his death or provide any details of the account they won't do anything even if they did contact facebook.
missprim I am not making light of this at all, but I think her easiest course is just to see it a bit like an old photo from the past. I am sure they must have had happy times together, if she lets it bother her it will, but if she accepts it is there then it won't.
Just click onto his profile and add to block list...then nothing will come up about him anymore. Xx
maybe she could contact facebook (there must be a link there somewhere) although his family may not want his page removed, so this needs considering, they may get comfort from leaving him messages on his page. maybe she could just block his name, then hopefully he wont appear as a suggested friend.
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I understand what you mean Mamya, but after he died someone told her her husband was hoping for a reconciliation and she was thinking along those lines herself as they had just become Grandparents so every time she signs into facebook and sees his face, she gets really upset.
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Thanks for all your answers. I will talk to her about just blocking him and hope that will work ok.
I do understand trust me, was trying to be practical if she has so little information to memorialise the page. Can she not contact someone who has more of those details?
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I will see her in a few days time and will ask her if there might be someone who would have more details to see if it's possible to have his account memorialsed (sp)
Thanks for all your help.

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