Does anyone do the Irish lottery? I have picked up a 6&7 quickslip from the bookies (and quickly slipped out!) On the back it has instructions and it says pick between 1-5 numbers. Does it literally mean that. Can you just pick one number per week?
It doesn't say anywhere how much it costs. Do they charge per number? If so, how much?
I know I could ask these questions in the bookies but I don't want to look stupid. I would rather look stupid on here!
you can pick one number and if it comes up you win according to which odds the bookie offers Think it's about 6 - 1 for one number). Obviously the more numbers you choose the greater the odds. Check individual bookies for their odds. You can also select the main draw or the three draws they seem to hold in Ireland.
And it used to be that you could leave your ticket in a shop in Belfast and they would take it down to the Republic. The ticket cost £1 and they charged about 35p on top for their trouble.
I never won anything.
We keep getting leaflets in magazines and newspapers about the Irish Lottery. There seems to be a big advertising campaign. I must have misread/misunderstood them.
I don't think you can do the UK lottery on-line if you're overseas. If the same is true for the Irish lottery punters could be throwing their money away if they're not in Ireland when they pick their numbers.
when you do the lottery you're probably throwing you money away wherever you are