What a load of rubbish Radio 2 at 6:30 weekday mornings has become since Chris Evans took over thats all he does is talk talk a load of drivel, verbal diarrhea.
I don't like it when he's also on BBC1 TV at 7pm. A guest presnter on Friday nights he seems to take over the show and Alex seems flumoxed by his prescence.
I quite like Chris in the morning - can't stand radio 1 and commercial radio gets on my nerves with all the adverts. Last month Chris was off for 2 weeks (I think) and the dreadful Madeley took over so off went the radio. When Chris came back it took a while for me to get used to him again. No one will ever be as good as Terry. I like Ken though but cannot stand Steve Wright at any price.
He just annoys me with his continual talking, what I want is some music on my drive to work. Wasnt that Sara somebody on the same time a few years ago, she was always name dropping. They got rid of her.