BBC TV Licence in The AnswerBank: Law
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BBC TV Licence

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Hettster | 20:58 Sat 25th Feb 2012 | Law
43 Answers
I am always mindful of things found on the internet, however I am wondering if the following link and the info therein is factually correct? The video offers an argument suggesting that having to pay the TV licence is not legally enforcible: http://tv-licensing.b...-tv-licence-scam.html
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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ABerrant, My ignorance has been astounding. Just goes to show 'dont believe everything that you've been told without checking it out for yourself'
Thank you for pointing that out.
mrsmaveric says "you WILL end up in court if you dont pay your tv licence".

Assuming, of course, you actually need one.
Postdog says "If you have equipment capable of recieving live TV (and that includes a computer) then technically you should have a licence."


Arksided says "It's my understanding that even if you have a mobile (whether or not) it can receive TV/Internet you have to have a licence."


mickrog says "and what for?.....to save less than £3 a week"

Why should I spend £3 a week, on something I don't use?

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