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How Fast Can You Type?

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NoMercy | 19:39 Wed 13th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
I've just done a typing test on here:

I did the one minute test and selected the "Wizard of Oz."

I achieved 54wpm... and that was being slow/cautious.

Not bad since the average is 36 or something.


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Could have been me mike, could have been me.........?!!!
No, pet, I think I would have remembered that!
I've just tried it again - first attempt 84, second 76. I'm going downhill already - must have a coffee and see what I get then.

Mike big morning kiss for ya X
You've got me thinking now, Salla. I remember staggering out of the door into the back lane of a pub in Gateshead, late 1978. Wasn't you, was it?
At that particular time, I would have been 17............

(I've never been to Gateshead - cheeky s0d !!!)
Sorry for casting nasturtiums upon your honour, Salla. Must have been Slack Alice from next door. I've only been to Gateshead once, not the sort of thing you want to do twice.
I used to have a goat called Slack Alice. Damn thing used to eat all the washing off my line. But gave great milk.

A bit of useless information for you............
Why is it, that whenever I type the Wixard of Ox it always comes out as the Wixard of Ox? Am I digitally deficient?
Oh dear - if you are, you really ought to get that affliction rectified....

Dyslexia of the Digits - could be terminal you know. :-(
OK, I'll wait till Sqad comes on and seek his advice. (p.s. typed by Mike's house elf as he is somewhat digitally confused at the moment).
pretty rubbish....25 wpm but have problems with the middle area of the keyboard as I am ambidextrous so both fingers go for the same key at times....
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I am faster on a standard keyboard, but the keys on this laptop are quite large.

Normal keyboards suit my little fingers.
I got 62 wpm but that's bad for would be better if i was using a proper keyboard - not a laptop keyboard which i'm not used to....and my nails need cut - i always make more mistakes with long nails.... :0(
i use this timed typing test
(word per minute), pretty convenient. i think i'll try yours too :)

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