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Phones Out People!

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AB Editor | 23:40 Wed 09th May 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
If you have a clever phone you can scan this to visit the mobile site:


If not, point your browser to


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I win
00:09 Thu 10th May 2012
pmsl @ tamborine
There are also several for Windows Mobile 7 devices. I use one called QR Code Reader from Big In Japan Inc. It scanned the above QR with no problem.
am i the only person who does not even understand the first phrase ( phones out )?
What a deprived life I must have led, not being able to use the latest technological toy! Still, I shall survive, I suppose.
First page is cutting the right hand side off, this page is ok tho
First page is cutting the right hand side off, this page is ok tho
Question Author
Still got some bugs to iron out, but we'll catch them as we go.

Long links break the site - newly posted links wont, but old ones will. We thought it was better to have a mostly functioning site, rather than have to address the massive DB issue of editing all the long links.

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