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mrs_overall | 17:47 Fri 11th May 2012 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
Fire away with any seaweed related questions


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Great minds sandyroe Lol
Mrs O, time to get the marigolds on
Question Author
Hang seaweed outside.
If the seaweed is is raining.

Perhaps we should have a seaweed section Mrs Overall. It could also have subsections, seaweed weather forecasting, seaweed in Chinese Restaurants, Seaweed Jokes etc. Then if anyone comes on here they will immediately find the right section. Probably there is no need for your expertise because people come on here, find no seaweed section, and go off to find an Oceanic Answers Site.
more like a sandbank....
Could we not hang HRH outside and when he's wet it's rain... hold on - he's always wet ...
Can I eat cladosiphon okamuranus/
Thinking of your other expert area Mrs Overload............ could you knit seaweed?
Can't you call them by more pleasant names? I don't really fancy bladderwrack or Gutweed.
Some expert you are!

You can't even answer a simple question, Mrs O.
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Monsieur le Builder - I have never tried knitting with seaweed but I am game for it...if you promise to wear the finished product to the pub

Hopkirk - yes you can eat it but a nice pie would be tastier
Thanks. I'll have both.
A serious seaweed Q. Why is Dulse so salty?
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Greedy guts.

PS - was that your pic on the mobility scooter?
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sandy, because it grows in the sea.

I was expecting some serious seaweed questions and all you lot can do is ask about eating the bloody stuff!
Mobility scooter? I'm not that bold!
I don't sea the point. Weed be better off down the pub.
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Is carrigeen moss a seaweed?
Question Author
Carageen moss is technically a red algae (like Dulse)

<<<stands by for another algae/seaweed argument>>>>

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