My two are 24 and 20 now, so talking about a little while ago now, but when our school asked for voluntary contributions for things, I always paid, however I remember once I didn't pay as the eldest had done this trip/activity or whatever it was and had said that it wasn't worth doing so thought that I wouldn't pay, that wasn't the end of the matter though as apparently there was a list kept in the register of who had paid and my daughter was 'reminded' every registration that she hadn't paid and ended up getting quite upset so in the end I paid it, but I did mention it to the Head who said that if people didn't pay then the activity couldn't go ahead, I said I realised that, and stated my reasons for not paying initially,and that by badgering the children for payment meant that it wasn't a voluntary donation at all. I still got nowhere though, just felt better for my little rant!