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T-Cut or better

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jesmond | 07:15 Fri 04th May 2012 | Cars
6 Answers
i have heard of t-cut and another which is called something like colour restore for cars paintwork, but what do the experts in the garages use, i want to get something that gives the car a really good shine and also that hides or diminishes small surface scratches, sure we have used t-cut on other cars but believe you have to be careful with it as it can take off colour rather than help bring the colour back, if that makes sense, any help from any of the garage boys would help


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A mechanic told me they used Autoglym where he worked. I got out a few arks that T Cut didn't touch, got it in Halfords.
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yes we have used autoglym products but not this one so will have a look at it, otherwise if anyone knows any more then pass it on, thanx
This is the safe way to do it.........

Autoglym is a combination of cleaner t-cut and polish that does not do what you want.

You need the detailing kit which consists of a claybar lubricant and wax carnuba polish.
There is a product that a lot of people that show their cars at competitions I think its called Meguers, not sure of spelling. But I know its not cheap.
Most of the experts will use either a 3M or Menzerna product with a rotory or random buffer, these products are not usually available in you auto store, they are available on ebay though. Just be careful and use the least aggressive 1st.
If the least aggressive does not work move up to the next, and so on. U must wax after to protect the finish.

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T-Cut or better

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