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Under what circumstances can someone be forced to give a DNA sample?

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sandyRoe | 10:33 Sun 13th May 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Following on from an earlier thread, where a foreigner is said to be claiming to be the father of a child in order to promote his right to a family life and stay in the UK, could the mother refuse to give the DNA sample?


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probably as enforced sample will be considered gbh...however denial will have results !!
No, they will get a court order.
IMO, it'd probably be only with a court order & in the investigation of an actual crime to remove suspicion from that person, but I'll wait to be better informed by further posts. For the purpose of this thread I think that the answer would be no, but then again, in the current legal area - who knows?

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Under what circumstances can someone be forced to give a DNA sample?

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