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sandymack | 20:04 Sun 13th May 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
22a Artistic dublin footballer perhaps ??H?M?A? 8 letters

20a tough and callous 4 and 6 letters Hard ????

17d be owing a broken recreational vehicle 9 letters


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20:10 Sun 13th May 2012
20a hard bitten
22a) bohemian
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17d answered earlier as Winnebago (anagram of Be Owing A)
just out of interest - where does the 2nd N come from?
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Bibblebub, sorry I have no idea where the second N comes from. I dont have the paper in front of me, IM helping my father on the phone :)
16a croW
20a hard bitteN
23a nimblE
27a guatemalA
29a tangO

w?n?e?a?o winnebago
that's ok, sandymack, i was hoping that someone who has provided the answer (which I don't doubt is correct) could provide the clarification - 'be owing a' needs an extra N to be an anagram of winnebago
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thanks headwreck
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