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Fussiness is a trait....

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tinkerbell23 | 10:37 Wed 16th May 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
That REALLY annoys me!!!

Watching location location location and these grown women are soooooo fussy!!!!

And i just realised HOW much fussiness can irritate me haha

Id say i was more laid back xx


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I'm laid back in general but I'm fussy about a few things.

Food, mainly.
if you're going to live somewhere for 30 years you need to be reasonably demanding. No point in living somewhere you don't like rather than somewhere you do.
but have you ever bought a house tinks?
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Dont think im overly fussy about food....

This is ridiculous on this prog though....its how uncomfortable its making the presenters!!! Crying etc and refusing to even enter houses x
I don't want to appear fussy, but do you know that you've used a lower case 'i' at least twice in this post?
agree jno. plus when you are spending say 1/4 of a million, it's got to be right!
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Rented not bought. And i took my time- i think this woman is taking it waaaay too far- just my opinion!

And it got me thinking in general how i just dont like more easy going xx
I know you're not fussy about food. I read your posts on x
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As a kid i was LOL..!!

Now i try to try things....esp takeaways hahahahah ;0> xxxx
When I buy a house I am super fussy, bear in mind the cost to move is horrendous, mistakes are expensive, if it's not a right fit then you have to walk away. I had a row with an estate agent as she thought was being fussy about not wanting the stair in the living room, she got told to f r o quickly, 300k, I'll be having what I want thank you very much.
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Pmsl@ rocky....i understand its alot
Of money to spend....just felt this person was a bit much xx

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