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Missing in Action

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Slapshot | 08:56 Wed 16th May 2012 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Watcha punters.......been away have I missed anything exciting???


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'ow do.

Exciting ' round here? Nice to have you back slapshot:)
but who knows what the day will bring
Blimey...YES.....a thread on "what flavour of crisps do you prefer" and much, much more.
Ooops!.....almost forgot:

///Bet It Rains This Morning//

Another thread that would have excited you.
Ignore him there hasn't been a knickers thread for awhile
welcome back slapshot. good to see you
rowan......LOL............that's my girl.
We had a really good Not a Rant yesterday....that was starting to turn into a Rant but got pulled just as it was getting going...pity that...spoiled my day..:-((
For goodness sake Sqad! DT had a date.....MrO may have piles...and I got the coving up. How much more excitement do you need?

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