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Sherr xx

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tinkerbell23 | 23:51 Tue 15th May 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Did you ever get a hold of the horrible gossipy woman??



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Hi Tinks, only just seen this. Went to the playgroup where gossip goes yesterday and she was viciously gossiping about someone else. I decided not to say anything as she really is a vicious busy body (the person she was gossiping about no-one else knows anything about and it is a small village and people would have heard about it). I decided not to give her anything else to say about me/us. That's for asking though, x
Thanks ^ (stupid keyboard!)
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Not at all. Silly woman xxx
We've all met ones like that and I've found it's best to ignore them and, no doubt, the people she's gossiping to are wondering what she says about them.
She was being really vicious about the new gossip 'victim', make sweeping assumptions about some man with alleged 'challenging behaviour' and scare-mongering about the way in which he interacts with others (children in particular). Now that I have witnessed her in action I have little doubt that the person she was gossiping to about thing 2 will have taken it all with a pinch of salt.
well done sher - you only add fuel to the fire if you rise to the occasion (sez I, mixing my metaphors :-)

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Sherr xx

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