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Another one bites the dust.

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pusskin | 22:28 Wed 16th May 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Blimey, how many more will be banned or put on the naughty step tonight?


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Well I'm still here...who???? do tell!!
Question Author
I thought you'd have all beaten me to it?
That was funny thread.

He called me an Irish
Question Author
ha ha Didnt read that bit, must have turned my head for a minute, lol
ummmm, link?
Blimey, is there a cull ongoing?
Which thread ummmm?
Another one bites the dust and a (I am guessing) a new one arrives - anyone order a troll?
I never fail to be surprised how people on here know who is who, aliases, trolls and who's banned/suspended!!
Question Author
I've been lucky tonight, I've caught what must be all of them?
I'm normally far too slow to catch on so quick , haha

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Another one bites the dust.

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