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quizzywig | 05:20 Thu 17th May 2012 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
Great to have the new series of Lewis back on TV. I much prefer it to Morse - I always found Morse's character to be too miserable for me. I love Lewis and Hathaway. Great acting. More please! (not just 4 a year)


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I agree. Although 4 a year is better than none at all. :-)
I only tuned in to see what it was like and got totally engrossed in it. Brilliant!
Agree, we both really like Lewis, and Hathaway is great - roll on next wednesday.
Forgot it was on...need to get the DVD's, generally do anyway
The tuble with a show as good as Lewis is, it show how much dross the rest is.

One of the best shows on TV and as you say only 4 a year :-(

Will Hathaway go out with the Gardener?
I absolutely love this series, it's so much better than Morse, which I also enjoyed, ITV have just announced series 7, so at least something to look forward to next year.
didn't enjoy that much and i solved it very early on!
I missed it so will watch it on catch up. I'm not keen on Lewis, I know he was with Morse, but he seems dull, much prefer Hathaway....
Morse was such a miserable so-and-so. Lewis is a much better series and Hathaway is lovely.
Thought the author, Dexter, was finishing it

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