The subject of this poem I know
is a little disgusting
rear-ended and low
but AB women have this thing
and we all know about it,
and it's an international past time,
a thing called Tonyav's 'ass watching.'
One could say, the eyes of AB women
and Tony's ass, are very
good friends: yes indeed
(I wonder if mrs o or gness know this?)
...anyhow, the way it works is
something like this: there isn't
really anything the women have to
do out of the ordinary, except,
put it on display, sea defences, speed-bumps or walk;
Tony doesn't even need to talk;
He can even look stupid
if ABers wants him (to)....
The eyes of the women will do all
the work, perhaps
you will even capture.
It is a fun sport, that young and
old alike can do, and if Tony
doesn't like it, or wishes to avert
such creative attention, all he need only
do is put back on his skirt.