Changes for the Better in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Changes for the Better

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Eve | 17:53 Thu 17th May 2012 | Body & Soul
12 Answers
Had a great physio appointment yesterday, such a difference from the previous time which had put me off a bit. She was brilliant and had a really good chat with her and quite positive despite more of a realisation as to the extent health has affected me over the past few years, pain, mobility wise etc... She moved me about a bit but really gently which actually felt good.

We went through all kinds of things and she got me to ok a referral to the smoking cessation clinic (she's good!) and went through diet and she is going to do a course of accupuncture then look at getting me in a class for people with chronic conditions for a gentle supervised exercise programme.

Left me buzzing the rest of the day, went out and bought myself some E-Lites to cut down big time on proper cigarettes to try and quit and bought a load of fruit and veggies, cooked a proper healthy balanced dinner with grilled chicken, new potatoes and lots of veggies tonight and last night and even had breakfast - got some of those "just add boiling water" porridge pots to take to work to have this morning and tomorrow with bananas for snacks! Sorted myself out a pillow for my work chair too to try tomorrow to make things more comfortable. Also have some ideas to make my work routine easier.

A few days into the Dekristol Vit D therapy and new arthritis meds and so far so good :) Still in a lot of pain but no nasty side effects which is a welcome change.

Amazing the difference one person can make and thought it would be nice to do a positive progress post :)
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You sound dead positive.....and thats brilliant jenna....makes a difference when someone is helpfull dosent it!!!

Keep up those e-lites xxxxxx
Great news jenna, long may the positivity reign. Good luck with giving up the ciggies.
Great news. It can be such a life changer when you find a medical professional who goes the extra mile and listens. I have been having physio on and off for years but nothing has been resolved. But you just have to keep plowing on. You sound very positive, I hope things keep improving for you.
brilliant news and good luck with the changes!
Now that is what a Therapist should be.
Wow well done Jenna,
keep up the good work. I mentioned in another post that it sure makes all the difference when the person you see is understanding.
Jenna I'm glad you seem to be getting things sorted.. I've read your last few posts you seem in a lot of pain..
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Thanks all, it does make a huge difference :)

Very sleepy tonight so an early one for me. Going for working a full week next week if I can, be good to save holidays for doing something more fun then resting.

Helps so much to keep positive when you have good support from someone who has a clue as to what you are dealing with and knows your limitations and some of the different ways of thinking when you have chronic pain.
What positive news - I am dead chuffed for you. xx
Fantastic Jenna. What a difference a good therapist makes.xx
Sorry to be so ignorant Jenna, but what do you have your physio for? what condition do you have? x
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It's for inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia Smowball. I'm also vitamin D deficient so figure some bone pain from that.

Still on and off with the ELites (on at all is good though!) though improved diet going ok, lots of grilled chicken and veggies. Loving the porridge for breakfast and so easy to take to work, just add boiling water and stir and I can eat it at my desk :)

Only downside is my system is still very funny about food since I had my gallbladder removed, even with meds, so extra food, especially adding in breakfast, isn't helping but hoping that will improve.

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