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Glitter dress

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crapmemory | 16:35 Sat 24th Mar 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
I bought a lovely dress for a wedding but it has one drawback. It has some glittery bits on it and some of it looks like it might eventually fall off! Any ideas how I can prevent this? TIA


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Could you use some sort of glue on them?
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It looks more like the glitter has been sprinkled on! I was wondering if a bit of hairspray ight work or would it ruin the dress?
I wouldnt try hairspray. If they were ever glued on the effect of something sprayed on top would have no effect and may even spoil the dress. I think you will have to live with the fact this dress may not last forever and enjoy it while you can.
You can use a glue spray for delicate pieces of fabric onto backing in pictures and so on. It might work but it could just as easily ruin the dress if its the wrong type of glue or go black in time...not sure about it.

You might be best asking in a craft shop or a haberdashery for a spray on glue or finishing hold suitable for the fabric in question.
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Thank you all for your suggestions :)
see if it is stone then it is simple you can get glue and solve the problem.
But if it is sparkle then get the same kind of sparkle from and market and you can create same kind of glitter once the original fell downs.

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