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Had a good sleep

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tinkerbell23 | 08:48 Tue 22nd May 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

As said on previous threads though, busy i woke up a little earlier than planned.....

Bit of a sore tummy lol....just nerves i think......

Have a great day folks....xxxxx


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Morning Tinks, hope your tummy feels better soon x

Little Tiggs had a temperature last night. Its gone down a bit today so I hope he doesn't get what I had last week. He is 2 today :o)
Question Author
Awwwwww happy birthday mini tiggs!!! Im sure birthday cake will help :0P

My tummy is the first thing to go when im a bit nervy hahaha....ill be fine n dandy xxx
We had cake on Sunday and he nearly choked on it! He as stuffng too much in his mouth as if someone was going to take it away from him :o/
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Aww god....ok mabye a small slice then haha..

My dad always used to say he had to try my cake or dessert for me to check for any poison LOL...sneaky way of getting a bit xxxx
Is it your interview?

Happy birthday to little Tiggs. It's my OH's birthday today. He's the same age as me now...yay :-)
Good luck Tinkerbell, I hope all goes well for you, just relax and I'm sure it will.

Tigger, happy birthday to your young one, hope all's well and feeling better. This sounds wrong but hope it was just you that had a stomach bug.
Thank you Ummmm and Arky :o) x

I had flu Ark, but Little has been exposed to chicken pox in the last 4 weeks but hasn't shown any signs of it himself. Wondering if last nights high temp was the start of it. Should really google the symptoms.
*Little **Tiggs**
when is it you're interview Tinks? good luck whenever it is☻

Happy Birthday to little Tiggsxxxx

Happy Birthday to Mr. Ummmm xx
Oh yes, and happy birthday to Mr Ummmm too (can't remember his AB username, sorry) :o) xxx
Thank you Chi-chi x
His username is inacoma :-)
Ah yes, thats it x

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