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sandrajo | 20:16 Wed 23rd Nov 2005 | Body & Soul
14 Answers
My daughter who is 15 has suffered badly from Tonsilitis for a number of years and has missed quite a bit of school, is it a good idea to have your tonsils removed, i've heard you shouldn't have them taken out now.


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In my day you only had to cough and your tonsils where whipped out. I think it is better to leave them as a first line of defence ... does anyone smoke in your household ? They are doing their job and I think the current thinking is that it is better to leave them unless something really serious makes it necessary to remove them.

I am 41 now and had my tonsils removed when I was 21. For the years preceeding my tonsillectomy I was really ill at least twice a year, with a temperature of 40 and a throat so sore, it felt like I was swallowing glass. I had my own business at the time and could not afford, either physically or financially to keep taking unexpected weeks off work ill.

After I had them out it was such a relief!! The pain post operation was nothing like the sore throats I used to have. I have never any illness or flu-like virus since. So for me it was such the right thing to do! I should have had them out years before....

The specialist who removed them said that although they weren't the biggest tonsils he'd ever seen, they were like two balls of infected tissue and would have eventually made me constantly ill with their poison.

I suffered as a child and into my 20's had them out 10 years ago and not looked back. Take medical advice but my experience was positive (long term - short term it hurt like hell).
My friend suffered with severe tonsilitis for years. Several bouts a year (some painful that she used to attack her tonsils with cotton buds to degunge them) and taking endless doses of antibiotics. Eventually her GP booked her into hospital to have them removed last year. It was only an overnight stay.

The pain as the 'holes' that were left behind healed up was quite bad.. but she was given strong painkillers to take the edge off it. BUT... she feels better than ever now and hasn't needed antibiotics for over a year now and feels she's had the last laugh over her tonsils!!!!
Question Author
Thanks for the good advice
Just wanted to say - Your poor daughter has my full sympathy! I get quite annoyed when I am very ill with tonsilitis and people say "Oh it's just a sore throat!" It is a horrible thing and makes me really ill! My doctor won't take mine out either, though I always think if I could just get them to see me at my worst they would. Poor sandra's daughter :-(
honkytonkman - I sympathise with your friend too, I also attack them to get te poison out, shudder!
Yes, yes , yes. Defiantly worth it. My sister was constantly ill with tonsillitis.
She left it late until about thirty four, then had the operation. She is nowhere near as poorly as often as she was. Still gets the occasional bout, but nowhere near as bad as before. Same with one of my own children
Don't let her suffer any longer,tell your GP that you want her to have her tonsils out and hopefully he will make the necessary arrangements.My daughter suffered just like yours,but after having them removed she never looked back.
I didn't have any problems myself but i was only 11 when i had mine out so not a dangerous time really. However a friend of mine had his out at 18 and developed blood clots where the wounds were that had to be removed so you do need to be very careful and keep a close eye on her if you do decide to go ahead. My friend has been a lot better since he had them out though. The only problem when ur older is the recovery time. i wouldn't advise having them done while she should be at school she'll end up missing lots so try and wait until the summer holidays!
I had mine out at age 9 (25 years ago, adn had no probelms whatsoeever. My fiancee had constant botus of tonsilitis throughout his teenage years, abnd eventually at University, he was so ill every winter that he was in danger of missing too much coursework. It was also getting more and more difficult to find antibios that would effectively treat the problem, and so his doc said they should be removed. He was 21 when this was done, surgeon said they were the most infected he'd seen in 35 years of doing the surgery! He's never looked back in the 13 years since they came out. Hope your daughter gets help, as I know how serious and debilitating this recurring problem can be.
Question Author
Thanx again, very helpful
My grandson is under three and because of recurrent bouts of diagnosed tonsillitis, is due to have his removed after Christmas. He should have been in twice before but illness prevented it.
They tried to take mine out but the op dates always clashed with exams. I grew out of it eventually! I used to get it every other week pretty much between 12 and 19.
Have you tried cutting out dairy? I know that sounds weird but a common cause of recurrent tonsilitis is dairy intolerance.
I assume lots antibiotics are being taken too...some probiotics (acidophilus from a health shop is best) can help after a course of ABs.

i ahd my tonsils out at 18. im now 24. iused to be ill nearly every month but eventually the dcs decided to take them out. it is the best thing i have ever done

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