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Night night song from Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:23 Tue 22nd May 2012 | ChatterBank
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Singing like this is bound to be bad for his throat.
True, wolf, he always sounds like he needs a dose of strepsil, or at least some covonia to me. He is very popular on here, however, with people you're not allowed to criticize, even if they perpetually criticize others for basically everything.
I love Queen, so don't stop me now can never be overplayed, although a classic Bo Rhap.... is overplayed. I'm probably talking ga ga ;-)
Floor filler...........
^ yep definitely, great track... shame i don't know what he's singing.
Sir A - there is quite a range of different personalities here on AB. Like in real life some you like, some irritate you and the rest you put up with.

I know that I should go to bed but ............. that's another story

I am going for a quick surf around the web. Sleep well when you finally get to bed.
From my biker days...........
For tamborine, I know she likes this one............
My favourite Elvis...........
Wolf, there is all sorts of weirdos on AB that's why we love them for it.
Arksided - I once read that each of us is someone else's weirdo.

I am off to bed - the kitties are getting restless and Perth is waking up.

...and some of us did actually learn Grammar... I missed that lesson Obviously.
Goodnight Wolf take care ;-)
wolf......when I finally get to bed? That's a laugh! There is no such thing as sleep when you are a full time carer who's Dad spends most of the night wandering around turning lights on and off. I'm also in pain as the costochondritis has returned. Basically, I want to scream and tear my hair out.
Can't find the version I want...........
I love this. I wish Peter Cook was still around.
Through the holes in your string vest............
Great song, great video. Night all...........

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Night night song from Mamya♥

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