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what am i going to do for dinner now

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mccfluff | 15:57 Wed 23rd May 2012 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
it was going to be pie, but i don;t think i want to be near an oven.

not sure if i have any salad

oh hell someone want to go shopping for me?


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how about phoning for a pizza or indian or chinese to be delivered?
Question Author
mmmmm to close to payday to risk that :-)

i'm trying to remember what's in the fridge and all i can come up with is

olives, pate, cheese, pickled beetroot and choc milkshake. I'm sure there is more but its not coming to mind!
Few olives & a small Chateau Lägertôp I guess ...
Pass me a list Fluff, I'll go when it's a bit cooler.

Ooh, Dave can go on his bike, he'll be quicker.

Stop off at the chipppy on the way home.
Bit sweaty in the leathers ... not that I'm complaining after last weeks frosty nips ...
I'm having sticky chicken, salad and roast potatoes.
I like a sweaty man in leathers.....

Fluff, how about a ploughman's type thingy, do some toast for the pate.
Question Author
sweaty leathers and sticky chicken??

you are soooooo wrong

that's not a bad idea alba, could get some nice bread on the way home
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ooop, i thought sd was having sticky sweaty chicken leathers

I'm going to Ummm's. I'll bring the beers.
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does sounds nice, not sure if i fancy roasties though
They will be mini roasties.
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lol still roasties, its the heat of cooking them i'm complaining about

i just don't want near the oven i think
You've just reminded me. I've still got the underfloor heating on...
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I've turned it off now...
I'm in the same boat Fluff, if I were you I'd chuck cheese, pate, olive and pickles and other suitable bits onto a big board with bread and crackers and tuck in, washing it down with a suitable wine.

I think I've settled on chicken and chorizo quesadillas, mango and chilli salsa and a salad of whatever looks lively in the bottom of the fridge.
I found a chicken kiev in the freezer - new pots and some salad - large glass of white - sorted !
Lettuce go to the shops together. Oooooops. Too late.

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what am i going to do for dinner now

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