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TWR | 19:42 Fri 25th May 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Your interpretation of a Chav? ( OH, by the way, I'm not a stuffed up snob) just a working class citizen.


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Going by Tilly2's description I must be a chav, although I've only bought Primark clothes off Ebay, I've never actually been in the shop. I have 4 tattoos and can occasionally be gobby :)

Ummmm's description could also apply. I don't work (disabled), I am in receipt of Disability Living Allowance and have 3 children.
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Missed the Primark bit.... still a chav here then...Oh and I have tattoos too.

Lisa x

btw....well said Mikeelbow
Mikeelbow - who said chavs have to be poor?
Who said everyone on benefits are chavs?
Don't agree, I don't associate being poor as a requirement of being a chav. I know lots of people who are hard up but they wouldn't be described as chavs. Suppose it boils down to one's perception.
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I thought a Chav was someone who wore a check baseball cap all the time.

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