I have a full grid (less 31a) and have the message - also 9 words, 5 of which are connected to what I believe is the sporting theme and 4 which are not.
31 a Hogreeve?
I was unsure of 23 d, guessed answer but could not find word in dictionary - in text with A extra letter?
I took unchanged answers as zero score, others with minus 3/4 letters etc.
You should have 10 words, 5 of which share a theme and relate to
-1 (except one special case which relates to -2). The other 5 are
unrelated but share a common synonym (possibly with spelling variants
-ey/-ie which relates to +1
I think the "non- european" just refers to rmoving an E from the names of the 2 players' names. My only remaining unknown is 14a " Rule awfully nice rum is artificial substance" I'm assuming an anagram, but can't get one! Any help, please?