I lived by the sea for a number of years, a fair bit of that time living and/or working on the sea front. I'd see the amount of kids far out and out in loose inflatables and wonder if they'd even consider it if they could see the sea all year round and how powerful it is, seeing the waves crashing up in storms and spray hitting out windows a few floors up (I remember having to physically fight my way home against the wind sometimes - and people wonder why I got out of the habit of using an umbrella!), people out with loudhailers getting people to move cars away and seeing how much of the beach was on the prom in the morning.
You'd also hear of the people who run into difficulties, not just out in the sea but trying to walk round the bottom of cliffs not thinking about the tide coming in, especially with a strong estuary tide. There was a dangeous game people used to play at night where they'd race the tide in and there were a number of deaths.
There were never lifeguards that I can remember. The only time I remember them was seeing them out doing rescue practices where they'd bring a Sea King in (incredible sight!) and have rescuers out simulating situations.