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Anngel123 | 19:28 Mon 28th May 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I was on the underground in London when I saw a lady unwrap her sarnies from what looked like a gingham cloth with a plastic lining. It had velcro to hold the shape round the sandwiches and then wrapped up almost flat after they were taken out. Has anyone seen one anywhere? Thanks so much.


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If it's these we have em and they're brilliant:)
Wow, I want one!!!! Does anyone know if you can get them in shops anywhere rather than online?
Can you put more than 1 sandwich in???
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That is it exactly!!! Just lovin AB at the moment. I knew someone would know. Thanks Daffy, rocky, nox and hopkirk. I haven't marked anyone as best answer as you are all fab! I will be getting some as presents as well. Fantastic.

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