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Night night song from Mamya♥

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Mamyalynne | 23:32 Tue 29th May 2012 | ChatterBank
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^^ Excellent. Bringing It All Back Home, Highway 61 Revisited and Blonde On Blonde are probably my favourite. Total creative excellence...
I used to go home from school for dinner and eat listening to Dylan, memories!
Hi Mamya.
Can't have too much.
No indeed!
Many years ago I had a tape from BP called something like Love Songs. It was fantastic, it had this, the other I posted, and many more really good ones, unfortunately it snapped. Does anyone else remember this tape?
^^ Good old pub quiz chestnut, to which the answer is Allen Ginsberg and Bob Neuwirth.
As well as the classics you mentioned I do like Blood on the Tracks.
Oh indeed. I like pretty much all 30 of the studio albums. John Wesley Harding and Infidels are other particular favourites...
Mamya. Although I can`t contribute I love this thread and the memories it often awakens. Pad with Joan Baez earlier and tonight with Mr. Tambourine man. I ended a relationship with a boyfriend who then paid for a folk singer friend to come up from London and together, at night, they sat under my bedroom window singing this song. I was on the other side of town staying with friends. Didn`t get back together but still a special song.
Just had a wobble on my vibration plate so will leave you with this one. Night night mamya. xxx

I do have a choice and choose not to......but best not start the smokers off. Media URL:
Tonight before you lay down to the sweetness of your sleep
Do you question your surrender to the drop from lovers leap?
Or does the anaesthetic darkness take hold of its very own?
Does your body rise in service with not one dissenting groan?


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Night night song from Mamya♥

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