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More nonsense from the nanny state

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bazwillrun | 23:00 Wed 30th May 2012 | News
25 Answers

You can call a duck a chicken but its still a duck

Call it what you like but it wont change an undeniable fact that if youre fat, well youre still fat, end of, dress it up with all sorts of PC correct blarney but fat is fat.


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<<Remember that old saying "one may have to be cruel to be kind?"

Nothing else seems to have worked.>>

Thanks, Sqad. I'm FAT (just typing it loud in case you're DEAF). I'm also old, have vitiligo; I'm half Chinese which makes the vitiligo look worse and I'm a b@@***. (an old, fat, pie-bald b@@***....?) On top of all this I, I have Grave's disease and find it very difficult to keep my weight under any kind of control - so what 'kind' words are you going to use to make me lose weight? what 'kind' words are you going to use to make me lose weight?

Well, lets't try:

////(an old, fat, pie-bald b@@***....?///

and as for the Graves Disease, this should not be contributing to your fatness as presumably you are taking medication.

In the majority of cases Endocrine problems are just an excuse for overweight my opinion.

Oh! and you can't help being half Chinese.
I remember a TV programme about diet (not dieting) and weight(fat) control. 2 very fat ladies who could not lose weight because (they said) they had slow metabolic rates were monitored in a special facility over 24 hours, having their oxygen consumption and heat output measured. Conclusion ? they ate to much and were too idle.
You can get all the food you need to eat for one day on a medium size plate..easily.
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As has always been the case for most "overweight" sorry fat people theres a simple way to get lighter, eat less move more !

and yes I know with some people its a medical issue that causes the problem, i'm not lumping (pun not inteded) everybody in the same boat here.

just for the record I couldnt care less what weight people are or what it does to their health, its like smoking, its their problem as long as it doesnt affect me, I'm not going to tell them how to live their life, its their life choice.

If its a child then obviously they may need advice and medical help etc, but adults should be free to decide for themselves, not the frikkin nanny state.

Would you take advice on dietry matters lets say from Eric Pickles ?! nah neither would I !
<<////(an old, fat, pie-bald b@@***....?///

and as for the Graves Disease, this should not be contributing to your fatness as presumably you are taking medication.

In the majority of cases Endocrine problems are just an excuse for overweight my opinion.

Oh! and you can't help being half Chinese.>>

Thanks, Sqad - your reply was more or less what I expected.

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