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Still on a roll

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tinkerbell23 | 15:53 Fri 01st Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Remember the uni essay i had to resubmit? Stupid referenc list went missing?

Well ive had results back and officially have passed...woohooo.

So ill have my registration in a few weeks...and at least i have a job to go to now hehe :0D im pleased!

Swore id never go to uni again........but have found myself today looking at a masters n midwifrey.....always fancied it, and only a year. Hmmmmmm. Tempted!!

I was at a funeral yesterday, bit hungover today :0( the guy was the same age as me. Terrible xxxx


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Well done tinks, and I'm sorry for your loss.
Get your general nursing experience first it will stand you in good stead if you come up against women with medical conditions who are pregnant
Congratulations Tinks - go for the Masters, you won't regret it. Sorry to hear of your loss.
Question Author
Thank you!! Very sad. Was awful infact, but a good day if you know what i mean.. A fitting goodbye...xx
Sorry about your friend Tink, but bl00dy well done. Big hugs to ya:)
Well done Tinks and so sorry about your friend. xx
Congrats Tinks, well done you ! Sorry about your friend, always sad to lose young people . It sends it home a bit that life is for the living.( Borrowed from Harold Robbins ! )
Sorry to hear about your friend, but well done for passing.
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Yeah, was awful honesty- a lovely successful guy too.

Im glad, i knew id passed i suppose...well i was 99% sure...but its good to be official isnt it!!

I just think how quick the course went in and i reaaaaally fancy learning to be a midwife, but its alot.....dunno if i can put myself through it again hahah xxx
Congratulations! Choose. A year getting on an even keel after a rough time and then the Masters. If you are up to it go for the Masters now. Other D. has just done her second one......hard work but,as Maggie says,no regrets. You know how you feel and you have support here.
I`m sorry for your loss. The death of my best friend four years ago put an end to the mad retirement plans we had but picked myself up and am doing things in her memory. Just applied for a fork lift driving course and a blindfold driving experience. Life to live Tinks.
I'll teach you how to drive a fork lift truck gness.
Thank you Tony. Saw a man flick a coin in a bottle using a fork lift, could have been on here. Will I get that good in one day?
death at a young age is never pleasant - we had one suicide and one death in our hall at Uni, the latter a real tragedy as he was a dedicated climber and when roped to six inexperienced climbers above Lochnagar, they dragged him over the cliffs in a white-out. He was trying to get them to halt but they blithely kept going....couple of them dead. His father (Glaswegian) was most stoical about it, saying that if he had to go early, he would have wanted to go in the Highlands mountains....

However, more positively, if that is what you want tinks, go for it - I would say get a year or two years under your belt as that gives you a good practical base to work from.....and a chance to build your financial base up a bit.
Sorry about your friend tinks, but well done you - onwards and upwards x
well done tinks, well done!

I'd leave it a little while before you go for the Masters, consolidate in your new job first.

I don't know what it's like in Scotland but down here unless there is a shortage of midwives (like there is with Health Visitors at the moment here) the funding for second degrees is really limited, the bid for funding for places at the universities from employers has to submitted in a good 18 months in advance. The backfill's limited too and funding is still being reduced. I'd consolidate first, but I do know a lot of people who've done both, then come back to nursing.

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