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Whats your week end plans?

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TWR | 19:16 Fri 01st Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
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Righto mrs o, coil spring.
I guess I am going to have to bite the bullet and take the damn car into the garage. I could do without the expense at the moment.
I could buy your mirror, mrs_o?

Think mine is NBG :(((((((((((((
Car shopping with daughter tomorrow Either Newcastle or York on the lash on Monday.
ttfn, only last night I was told I looked gorgeous.
Some may quibble that the pub lights were dim, the gentleman in question was heavily intoxicated AND gay, but a complement is a complement
Oh well mrs o better to get it sorted sooner rather than later.
Treasure the moment mrs o (the compliments that is) I am beginning to resemble my avatar, think I'll have to change it.
AYG I know!
It was a bit disconcerting when he asked where I'd bought my dress as he was after something similar
Went to Epsom for the Oaks today. Am taking first ex Mrs Puli to the Derby tomorrow (I've two ex-Mrs). Sunday,taking friend from Canada, her daughter, and all three of her sisters, to the Thames Pageant (Oh, joy !LOL). Monday, village knees up, part one. Tuesday, part two but am judging the village dog show in it (never miss a chance to make lifelong enemies, I always say, but will try to make it humorous). Thanks be that the Jubilee is not an annual event!
NoM...hope you're okay matey xx
Thanks, Ummmm. Everything happens in threes eh...
Awww NoMercy, you poor thing! x

Not many plans for me, getting lots of rest mostly. Been having vision issues from new drugs and taken off them so bit of a setback. Doing some overtime tomorrow to get things a bit more comfortable financially then it's lots of R&R.

Trying to avoid attacking the garden which seems to be being overtaken by mutant weeds and grass so finding lots of stuff to watch and planning some chilled coffee and people watching,catching up with some friends if I can, and will more than likely be lurking about on here.
We have the celebrations of the granting of our Town Charter. Pubs serving breakfasts, fairground rides lining the streets and other entertainment.
I shall have a wander as it seems likely record player man could show himself. Well that`s my excuse for being in the pub at breakfast time.
Anybody got anything more boring to do than babysitting a hamster?
Possibly stripping the bathroom wallpaper, reading, AB, have a few pints.....

NoM...hope you are ok...try and enjoy the wedding

Mrs O...have you lost any crotchet needles recently? inadvertently taking
the latest creation out with you?

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