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slightly ironic

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237SJ | 10:52 Sun 03rd Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I've just driven to work and didn't see
any bunting outside any hou or business. Nothing. Until I went past the local mosque. It's absolutely covered in the stuff. Fab!


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Lots of neighbours in our street have entered into the spirit of the celebration meagre contribution are some red, white and blue balloons...
not really happening in Scotland....
Why should it be ironic really - "when in Rome do as the Romans do "...... they most likely were born here anyway!
I almost bought a flag yesterday but decided to save my money!
Nice to see. The Pakistani couple who run the local shop in the village have been spearheading all the Jubilee celebrations here as well, their shop looks awesome and they have planted a flowerbed like a union jack.Pretty damned cool. The pub on the other hand has one flag up.
Pakistan were part of the Commonwealth until they were suspended so maybe Pakistanis still feel something for the Queen....In actual fact Foreign Secretary David Miliband says Pakistan has made democratic progress and should be re-admitted to the Commonwealth.

BTW..I notice the refresh thing has been fixed..:-)
Good for them ....

I've got a lone flag in my front window !
I put on a thread yesterday, nothing around here, but the guy near me,
he's Iranian, had a union flag on the fence near his door!!
Good, and why not!
going out this morning I noticed 2 roads closed for parties

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