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Gary Barlow's Song.......

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yelenots | 20:43 Sun 03rd Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Its really good.......excellent programme showing how it was made!


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So agree yelnots. Lovely. And wouldn`t it be lovely too if every day could be so happy and united?
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Yes if only...... the little girl at the beginning is gorgeous!
Brilliant really enjoyable great to see other countries and cultures take part
inspiring. Hope it is a big hit!
Had it on in the background when it started, but found myself drawn into it quite quickly, it was fascinating.
he's got such a way of making it all seem so special atually, he seemed to really appreciate other musical cultures and it was very genuine, plus they kept lloyd webber to a minimum which was an added bonus.
interesting how it was to put together and obviously a hell of a lot of work behind scenes....GB just fronting the semi-final assembly and then the last few days.

Interested to hear views from those inside the industry, especially someone like Mark Rae, but constructive criticism.

The initial results sound interesting in the way they have blended the different cultures....
I recorded it but haven't watched it yet. Seen bits of it and if it's as good as you all say perhaps GB can compose next year's European Song and record it as well.
Should be a lot better than this year's load of rubbish.
Oohhh you're making me so jealous... see my post in Media and tv :-(
Yes brilliant, and I LOVE Gurrumels haunting voice
The song will be the finale tomorrow at the concert
I'm not too keen on it - perhaps it will grow on me, but its a bit repetitive. Did Andrew Lloyd-Webber write it?
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That was brilliant! Best part of the concert so far!

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Gary Barlow's Song.......

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