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TheNovice | 21:59 Mon 04th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
only word for it, we don't have much to shout about at times, we I think we can all be proud of the events of the last couple of days. Party poopers excepted of course.


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Sod the party poopers and sod the moaners. Tonight's concert was Britain at it's very best!! Fantastic!!
Oops! *its.
Can you tell me what you are talking about? There are so many things happening I wonder to which one you are referring.
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all of it Starbuckone
Oh, right, in that case YES, especially the concert. Hope you are including the Olympic Torch. I liked that as well.
when you look at the whole thing in perspective we will never see anything like this ever again...queen victoria was the last queen to celebrate a diamond jubilee..most of us will never witness such an event again...
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I live in London, went to the pageant yesterday, nursed a hangover today, watched the concert on tv, with family and friends and a glass or three.... what next!!! Olympics coming up......God London's gonna be boring come autumn!!!!
I missed the concert tonight, I bet the atmosphere was good.
We certainly know how to celebrate and throw a party, proud to be British!!
I am not always so positive, but I have to say the concert this evening was brilliant.

I watched it on TV and was well impressed.

Well done to all who organised it.
I missed the concert on tv. Can I catch up with it on I-player?
Yes, it's on iPlayer now.

I hope you have decent speakers to listen to it.
Yes tenrec - it's just been loaded

Thanks Hopkirk, will I be able to watch it in the morning?
No worries I can watch it on here can't I? :-)
Thanks sir.prize. Night everyone.

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